Diploma in Nutritional Therapy

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Diploma in Nutritional Therapy

The practice of using nutritional therapy as a means to treat, prevent, and protect against various types of health conditions can be traced back to ancient times.

Prior to the advent of nutritional therapists, many patients have dealt with the frustration of being told by a General Practice (GP) doctor or specialist that there is nothing wrong with them despite experiencing several symptoms. Nutritional therapists have been able to bridge the gap by focusing their diagnosis on the relationship between the symptoms that the patient is experiencing with his or her diet.

According to the Association for Nutrition a dietitian is someone who “uses the science of nutrition to devise eating plans for patients to teat medical conditions.” A nutritional therapist, on the other hand, is someone “who uses a wide range of tools to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances, and understand how these may contribute to an individual’s symptoms and health concerns.”

Key topics of learning include:

• Principles of nutritional therapy
• Roles, responsibilities and limitations of a nutritional therapist
• Personalised nutritional programmes for patients
• Diseases and disorders that may be caused by genetics
• Using nutrition to prevent diseases or disorders at genetic levels
• Nutrigenomics
• Epigenetics and nutritional therapy
• Free radicals and antioxidants
• Orbitals and electrons, and their role in nutritional therapy

Potential career paths this course may lead to:
-Nutritional therapist
-Senior Dietitian
-Business owner or entrepreneur
-Shop or online business owner
Digital certificate included in course fees. Printed certificate available at additional cost.


Information offered in this course should not be taken as medical advice and/or medical training. Always seek professional medical advice from a healthcare professional before practising and/or receiving any treatment. Auckland College does not take any responsibility for any information on and/or from this site and how in which people accessing it use it. This course is meant as an introduction and provides you with the knowledge of this history of the subject. All information offered on this course is intended to support a practical course of instruction, which we do not offer. Any information contained in this course is not intended to be practiced unless further training is sought through another institution. All and any information offered is not intended to be used or applied in practice by those who have not undergone a practical course of training within the relevant fields. While care has been taken in the preparation of the information contained in this course, we do not and cannot guarantee its accuracy, its validity or if it is current. Anyone accessing this information does so at his or her own risk. It will be agreed that access indemnifies Auckland College and its associated parties from all and any injury, loss and/or damage in any form.

Section 1Disclaimer
Section 2The Role and Responsibilities of a Nutritional Therapist
Lecture 2Introduction
Lecture 32.1 What is a Nutritional Therapist?
Lecture 42.2 Difference between a nutritional therapist and dietitian
Lecture 52.3 Difference between a nutritionist and a nutritional therapist
Lecture 62.4 Responsibilities of a Nutritional Therapist
Lecture 72.6 Nutritional Therapist Skills Set
Lecture 82.7 Developing a personalised programme
Lecture 92.8 Chapter Summary
Section Quiz
Section 3Genetics, Epigenetics, and the Onset of Disease
Lecture 10Introduction
Lecture 113.1 Fundamentals of Genetics
Lecture 123.2 The link between genes and disease
Lecture 133.3 What the Human Genome Project discovered
Lecture 143.4 Definition of epigenetics
Lecture 153.5 What are epigenomes?
Lecture 163.6 Epigenomes and disease
Lecture 173.7 External factors that influence epigenomes
Lecture 183.8 Epigenetics and nutrition
Lecture 193.9 Impact of epigenetics
Lecture 203.10 Chapter Summary
Section Quiz
Section 4Nutrigenomics: Applying the Principles of Epigenetics to Nutritional Therapy
Lecture 21Introduction
Lecture 224.1 Overview of Nutrigenomics
Lecture 234.2 Difference between Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics
Lecture 244.3 Principles of Nutrigenomics
Lecture 254.4 Seven Essential Nutrients
Lecture 264.5 Bioactive Food Compounds
Lecture 274.6 Gene Expression Profiling
Lecture 284.7 Contribution of Nutrigenomics in Nutritional Therapy
Lecture 294.8 Chapter Summary
Section Quiz
Section 5Free Radicals and Antioxidants
Lecture 30
Lecture 315.1 Overview of Free Radicals
Lecture 325.2 Discovery of Free Radicals
Lecture 335.3 Sources of Free Radicals
Lecture 345.4 How Free Radicals are Formed
Lecture 355.5 Common Types of Free Radicals
Lecture 365.6 What is Oxidative Stress?
Lecture 375.7 Oxidative Stress and Disease
Lecture 385.8 Antioxidants: Defense Against Oxidative Stress
Lecture 395.9 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Antioxidant Supplements
Lecture 405 Chapter Summary
Section Quiz

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