Diploma In Sustainability

InstructorSusan Johnson
TypeOnline Course
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Our Diploma in Sustainability is one of the first of its kind, providing a global overview of how both people and businesses must now understand sustainability, and use it as an opportunity to better build themselves. The course takes on board a holistic view, as well as views on personal contributions to sustainability, and how governments & businesses have reacted, and can continue to react, to the environment and the demands of the public.

Our course has been written by European and Australasian sustainability experts. To meet the needs of not only the current but also the future generations, we as a society must transform our markets. We must change how we produce and consume, and the very ways in which we define and measure value and progress.

In 1987 the WCED commission released a now famous document called “Our Common Future” which coined and defined the meaning “Sustainable Development”. Today the document is better known as the “Brundtland Report”, named after G. Brundtland the chairman of the Commission and former prime minister of Norway.

There is no economy without people. There are no people without suitable environment. Thus, one could argue, the environment is more important than the welfare of society. Similarly, society is more important than the economy.

Section 1Defining, Measuring & Presenting Sustainability
Section 2The Environmental Dimension of Sustainability
Section 3The Social and Economic Dimension of Sustainability
Section 4Sustainability Solutions
Lecture 4Sustainability Solutions: What Government Can Do
Lecture 5Sustainability Solutions: What Businesses Can Do
Lecture 6Sustainability Solutions: What Citizens Can Do
Section 5Quiz 1 for Diploma in Sustainability
Lecture 7Quiz 1 for Diploma in Sustainability
Section Quiz
Section 6Quiz 2 for Diploma in Sustainability
Lecture 8Quiz 2 for Diploma in Sustainability
Section Quiz