Diploma In Adobe Illustrator

TypeOnline Course
DateJul 22, 2023
Certificate80% of quiz marks
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Adobe Illustrator is one of the leading software packages for creating graphics, designs, and print material.

In addition to this, Adobe Illustrator is now required by most marketing and graphic design jobs, as well as related sales, personal assistant and administrator roles. Many business owners also use Illustrator to design graphics – such as creating logos, artwork, patterns, designs, and the like.

Following completing this course, you’ll be able to create amazing vectored images, use the pen tool and its advanced features, selections, shapes, free transformations, color swatches, brushes, symbols, and more. Suitable for Beginner – Intermediate level.

Our course includes excellent guides, together with practical exercises including – you’ll be able to

• Create high-quality, general graphics and vectors
• Be able to create a logo for a business or similar organisation
• Edit, manage, and design graphics for yourself, an employer, or a similar working environment

Potential Career Paths This Course May Lead To:
•Advertising account manager
•Marketing manager
•Creative director
•Graphic designer
•Business owner, consultant, self-employed designer

You’ll be guided by our professionally written course that covers the basics up to the most advanced features and within just a few days you’ll be grasping and enjoying everything Illustrator has to offer.

Software: Free trial of Illustrator may be available from Adobe’s website.

Digital certificate is included in course fees.

Section 1Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator CC
Section 2Making Selection & Aligning
Section 3Working with Shapes & Transforming Objects
Section 4Working with Pen/Pencil tool & Color/Painting
Section 5Working with Layers and Applying Effects
Section 6Working with Type and Brushes
Section 7Working with Symbols
Section 8Project Files
Section 9Quiz: Adobe Illustrator
Final Quiz